Oh French!
Your so down right original.your one that can't be duplicated. You try your hardest to be a good person and others are all ways try to bring you down. Keep your spirits up we're almost there. A new beginning or an end which ever it is, its a change. I'm just glad i have you to go through it with. i went through a lot of fazes, styles, music taste, pants sizes and friends,but your the one thing that has been consistent. all the whispering bullshit the he said she said is so far from the truth.
Your and amazing friend and i want to take the time to say Thank you. Thank you for all the drunking night, for the mid day hikes, for the breakdown, the breakups, the rumors, the fell outs, the confusion, the cold winds, the hungry, the anger, the tears, the bitching, the lost of words, the lost of contacts, for the lack of money, the lack of knowledge, the gain of knowledge,the love, the hate, the jokes, the attitude, the everything.
I'm the person that's never sure about things, but I'm absolutely sure that I'm lucky to have you. You give me something that no one ever gave me and it was their time. I love you so much and i truly mean it. where ever the wind takes you and I you'll always be in my heart soul and mind ( I know it sound clique).
If your reading this it well its true you know it hard for me to get my words on paper but i tried. no matter what i write i can never get down everything i want to say to you