Monday, December 6, 2010

Things I Like, Things I Don't Like ,(foutaises)

  1. I like the smell of fresh plastic.
  2. I dislike sharing milk.
  3. I like the sound of eggs cracking.
  4. I dislike the taste of cranberries.
  5. I like watching a sign language conversation.
  6. I dislike the sight of a child being discipline.
  7. I like the feeling of the cold wind on my bare cheeks.
  8. I dislike receiving a kiss near my ear.
  9. I like the slightest touch on the top of my head.
  10. I dislike the word panties.
  11. I like the smell of rust
  12. I dislike a cat's mating call.
  13. I like the sight of tears hitting paper.
  14. I dislike children biting Styrofoam cups.
  15. I like the crust in my eyes in the morning.
  16. I dislike the feeling of grass on my leg.
  17. I like the odor of old ladies in a department store.
  18. I dislike men who whistle at women
  19. I like the feeling of hot wax on my skin
  20.  I dislike the act of spitting 

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