I really enjoyed the first five years of my childhood. I wish I can relive the running through the sprinklers, climbing trees, taking naps, and watching babar. I loved not having to worry about anything but what flavor ice cream was I going to get. I just hope my niece and nephew have a childhood they can look back on and be happy. I miss the little buggers. They always drive me crazy, but now that i don't see them I miss them more than ever. I constantly talk about them saying Seairra this Little Louis that. I miss them, I miss them so much I even miss the things they do that I hate. I hope I'll see them soon. I wish I had a picture of them right now so i can show you how precious they are. I want to just take them to the beach and watch them runaway from the waves. That would be a fun day. I can't wait to have children of my own, I vow to give them a life they can be proud of.
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