
As I closed my eyes I began to feel my body losing control, my body felt like it was in a deep sleep. I was really getting scared I kept telling myself “Wake UP! You are in control of your own body. This is sleep paralysis.” I don’t know how to explain how this was happening to me. The woman of the church try to control me but I was going wild, they picked me up and made me stand next to Sarah, a woman of the church, they tried to see if Sarah take out the spirit that was possessing me. She put her head to my head and try to take the spirit out I felt her shake until her body gave up, I remember her saying she couldn’t the spirit was to strong she began to get to scared no one else wanted to try so they sat me down. After they sat me down my friend’s mom came from behind me and blow in my ear and then I felt like I was back to normal. Everyone asked me if I was okay, but I was to shaken up to even answer. After that day I never felt the same.